About this Event
135 Willey Street, Morgantown, WV 26506
https://wvu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9v7bDagBbADj0oe #wvuphysicsJoin the Department of Physics and Astronomy on Monday, December 16 at 12:00pm in White Hall 102 and 106. Bring your favorite side dish, appetizer, or dessert and join us to celebrate the school year and the holiday season! RSVP here by December 13 at noon.
Please note that this is not a fully provided lunch; it is a potluck of items brough by everyone in attendance. While it is not required, it is encouraged that you bring something.
If you plan on bringing a dish, please make sure you add what you are bringing onto our shared spreadsheet after submitting your RSVP. The spreadsheet of dishes can be found here.
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