About this Event
The advoChat is back for Spring 2024!
The AdvoChat is a bi-weekly, 1-hour session on a variety of topics related to advocacy. These range from basic education on accessing resources, core principles and activities of advocacy, and basic information about prevention of power-based personal violence such as sexual violence and interpersonal violence. The advoChat also focuses on building advocacy skills through communication skills, developing messaging and resources, and
advoChats are held on Mondays from 3:00-4:00pm, unless the University is closed (and it will be scheduled for the next available date).
Sessions include time to answer participant questions, which can be submitted in advance through peeradvocates@mail.wvu.edu. Participants in need of confidential assistance should call the Equity Assurance Hotline at 304-906-9930
Spring 2024 Schedule:
50,000,000 People: The Modern Era of Slavery
Stalking: Know it, Name it, Stop It
Prevention: Early Interventions and Healthy Connections
How to Help A Friend In Need
Advocacy 101
The Body As A Crime Scene:
Sexual Assault and Medical Forensic Exams
Advocacy for Kids:
Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention
+ 22 People interested in event
Register via zoom - you can register for one, two, or all sessions with the same link!
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